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The Heart of Advocacy

Being In, With, and For Ourselves and One Another

There is a new world of human relating possible

At the Heart of Advocacy is the call to be in, with, and for, one another in a way that allows our highest potentials to emerge.  When we develop our capacity to stay intimately in contact with our own experience, and that of others, our lives begin to naturally unfold in ways that actually eliminate intra-personal and interpersonal violence, and a higher order of human relating emerges.  

What we are discovering is that as we commit to doing the Shared Awakening Practice on a regular basis with others, the space between us enlivens and we enter into an intersubjective field together that holds, supports, and actually begins to inform and transform us.  This shared inner-space of unity and mutually awakened reality is a new frontier in consciousness and is the path to a world that works for all of us.

Together we can do what it takes to create a world where we are all free to live into our greatest potentials within communities that are safe and work for all of us.

If you are intrigued, and want to further develop your capacities for this higher order of human relating where relational violence no longer makes sense, please join me in one, or all, of these courses:

Shared Awakening Practices:  Coming Soon!

Restoring Basic Trust, Activating Authentic Trust, and Igniting Higher Human Potentials

Creating a World that Works for Everyone: The Heart of Advocacy: Coming Soon!


Watch a Video about how I discovered the Heart of Advocacy:

The Heart of Advocacy is the art of being in, with, and for ourselves and one another.  When we develop our capacity to stay intimately in contact with our own experience, and that of others, our lives begin to naturally unfold in ways that actually eliminate intra-personal and inter-personal abuse and violence, and a higher order of human relating emerges.  Please listen-in as I share my personal story of discovering a difficult familial truth, and my journey to wholeness and purpose, and ultimately, to the Heart of Advocacy.