Activating Trust with Toni Monsey

Developmental psychologist, Erik Erikson, pointed out that our first task when we come into this world is to establish trust versus mistrust.  A foundation of trust is what allows our development to unfold naturally.  In fact, it's what makes everything worthwhile in life possible.

Where does this trust come from? It emerges out of our holding environment. 

What's a holding environment?

Defining Trust by Toni Monsey

In this two-part blog series on trust, let's start off by defining trust since we may have different perceptions of what trust is.  This will lay the foundation for the powerful connection of the Mutual Awakening Practice and the restoration of trust.  

Trust is the invisible foundation that affects our relationship to ourselves, others, and to life itself. It's what allows us to feel safe in our relationships, to relax, to feel confident, be resilient, to act with power and effectiveness, and to feel free to love and create together.

Mutual Awakening Practice - Meditation For Our Time by Toni Monsey

What is the 'We-Space' Meditation?

The Mutual Awakening Practice (MAP) is the natural evolution of our meditation, mindfulness, and contemplative practices.  It is a new, and potent, option or selection on the menu of practices that we can do in order to wake ourselves up, and change our world.  The exciting thing about MAP is that is done with another person.  It is a practice that is meant for this time in history where our interconnectivity is evident through the internet.  This practice allows us to activate the inner-net that exists in the space between us.  It is an eyes open practice done with another person, that not only trains our attention and expands our awareness, but also awakens the space between us such that we are inside of reality together.  With the MAP, we are reliably transported into a state of being that allows us to experience “heaven on earth,” “a higher order of human relating,” and gives us a vision of what is possible when humans come together in this way.