Invitation to the Mutual Awakening Course: Moving Beyond Contemplation

With Mutual Awakening, rather than “leaving the world” for an abbey or monastery as the mystics of old did, we enter the “church” of the space between us from within our daily lives. This allows us to enact awakening mutually as we come together in our practice.  No longer are contemplation and action separate, but they are intimately woven together in the very flow of our practice, and ultimately of our lives, together.  

Mutual Awakening Practice is an eyes open practice where we come together in a particular way, entering the space between us, with our shared-attention on what is just emerging into existence.  Together we give words to that experience. The practice itself enacts a flow of mutuality that begins to transform us.

Interestingly, by doing this practice together, we enter into a larger shared-consciousness - one where we know we are interconnected.  We are no longer focused only on our own private meditation, but rather we enter “meditation” together. This act awakens the shared-unity, the we-space, we exist within, and we are taken into a space that has been called by various names:  Shared-Unity (Patricia Albere), Inter-Mind (Daniel Siegel), Inter-Being (Thich Nhat Hanh), We-Being, God, heaven….

If you are yearning to stay in the world, and awaken with more fullness,  please join us for the next 6-week online Mutual Awakening Practice Course that begins on Wednesday, September 27th.  Click here to register.