
Spark of the Divine

Over the last seven years of doing partnered, eyes-open practices, I have paid careful attention to the effects they have on me in my life and the effects they have on those I work, practice and live with. As a researcher and practitioner, the qualitative evidence is mounting that when done on a regular basis these practices can have profound effects on our relationships and our lives.

Shared-Contemplation: “Withnessing”

ONEing is a practice that moves us towards shared-contemplation where we consistently access a way of being inside reality together. ONEing bonds us with the people we practice with. It creates community by connecting us inside a holding environment (a shared space) that is safe enough for us to open and share our energy with one another.

Partnered Lectio Divina: A Contemplative Way of “Reading” and Igniting the Divine in One Another

As some of you know, I am a long time practitioner of Centering/Contemplative Prayer and a daily reader of Richard Rohr’s Meditation email. Rohr has been using the term Oneing since 2013 when he began his publication by that name. While he writes and speaks about God as “One,” and also refers to oneness and oneing, I have yet to see him offer any practices that give people direct access to the space of ONEing.